The Beatty Lab is looking for talented researchers to join the group. Postdocs in our group get cross-disciplinary training in chemical biology, biochemistry, advanced microscopies, infectious disease, and fluorescent probe development.  Currently, we are recruiting postdoctoral scholars in two research areas: (1) Team VIP: genetically-encoded tags for multi-color, nanoscale imaging; (2) Chemical tools for studying M. tuberculosis.  These positions are funded by support from NIH.

To apply for a post-doctoral research position, submit a cover letter, CV, and a copy of two representative publications to beattyk [AT] ohsu (dot) edu. In the cover letter, please describe what type of project you would like to pursue in the Beatty Lab and why you are uniquely qualified for this position. The cover letter should also describe your research experience.  



Admission to the OHSU graduate program in biological sciences (e.g., chemical biology, biomedical engineering, infectious disease) is handled through the PBMS program.  PBMS (formerly called PMCB) students do research rotations in their first year.  The Beatty group welcomes rotation students, who typically participate in a cross-disciplinary project that will expose them to variety of methods used by the group (e.g., microscopy, probe synthesis, protein engineering, enzyme kinetics, fluorescence measurements, etc.)   Students interested in rotation in the Beatty group should contact Dr. Beatty and current lab members to learn more.



We host summer research interns through various outreach programs at OHSU.  Undergrads are encouraged to apply!  For more information, visit here.

The Beatty Lab is currently recruiting undergraduate researchers to work part-time in the lab.  An ideal candidate would be someone excited to learn more about research in biochemistry/chemical biology/protein engineering/molecular biology.  Applications are welcome by email and should include a CV/resume and cover letter describing the student's interests in research and motivation for working in the lab.  Candidates can contact Dr. Beatty directly (beattyk [at] ohsu dot edu) with any questions.